“If you’ve done nothing wrong, you have nothing to worry about”

If you’ve done nothing wrong, you have nothing to worry about” This, or something like it, is the typical response to the issue if increased government surveillance made by people who have not thought very carefully about what it entails.

I have long wanted a simple response to this statement that would make them think about what they are saying.

Over on MetaFilter there is a nice thread containing many suggestions.

The Path to 9/11 – Letter to the paper

UPDATED: Neil Justin did reply to me and pretty much just blew me off. See his response at the bottom.

If you haven’t heard about the hoo-ha surrounding the ABC mini-series The Path to 9/11 yet, I suggest you climb out from under your rock.

Today in the Minneapolis Star Tribune, writer Neal Justin had a piece about the recent and upcoming 9/11 based movies and mini-series.

In this piece, he stated that The Path to 9/11 is based on the 9/11 Commission Report (this is what ABC is claming.)

This is untrue.

So I wrote him the following letter:

Mr. Justin,

I see in the paper this morning that you have swallowed ABC’s claim that The Path to 9/11 is based on the 9/11 Commission report.

This is untrue.

The Path to 9/11 is sheer right wing propaganda rife with historical inaccuracies that tries to pin the blame for 9/11 on former President Clinton.

Many people have spoken out against the airing of this dramatization, including Al Gore, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, former National Security Adviser Samuel Berger, and the 9/11 Commission.

Please read up on this unacceptable attempt to air a piece of political propaganda as a factual account and tell the public about it in the newspaper.

There are many web sites where you can read about this, including:

Please take a few minutes to read up on this and please write something in your newspaper about it.

Thank you.

We will see if I get any response. The Star Tribune is suppose to be a “liberal” newspaper, so I’m surprised that they haven’t picked up on this issue yet.

Here is the response that I got from Neil:

Mr. Foreman: Interesting observation – although I’m assuming you haven’t seen the miniseries yet. Would like to hear your thoughts after you’ve viewed it.

I replied stating that I was not going to watch the miniseries and suggesting again that he visit some of the websites I provided.

The Last Lemony Snicket Book

The 13th and last Lemony Snicket book is coming out soon, aptly titled “The End“.

The Lemony Snicket web site has a video (it looks like it will be the first of three) that provides a synopsis of all the previous 12 books in 120 seconds. Narrated by Tim Curry (who reads the books on tape for the series) it’s pretty funny.

I have not read all the others, but I think I may have to now just to catch up.

Getting to Know You

This is one of those silly email forwards, where you are supposed to fill out the answers and forward it to all your friends. At first I blew it off, but then some of my friends started to respond, so I filled it out.

I figured it might be fun to post my answers here, with links where available.

So here it goes:

Things you may not have known about me…..

A) Four jobs I have had in my life:

  1. Grocery Stockboy (High school)
  2. Pizza Cook (Green Mill)
  3. Pizza Delivery
  4. CAD Jockey

B) Four movies I watch over and over:

  1. Blazing Saddles
  2. The Gumball Rally (nice cars and much better than The Cannonball Run)
  3. Almost any Eastwood western
  4. The Matrix (from the point where they go in to rescue Morpheus)

C) Four places I have lived:

  1. ValleyJo, CA (born there)
  2. Champagnie, IL
  3. Milwaukee, WI
  4. Saint Paul, MN

D) Four TV shows I love to watch:

  1. That 70’s show (like old home week)
  2. Coupling
  3. The French Chef
  4. Animaniacs

E) Four places I have been on vacation :

  1. Glacier Nat’l Park
  2. Yellowstone Nat’l Park
  3. Flin Flon, Manitoba (Does the MN2K count as ‘vacation’?)
  4. The North Shore

F) Websites I visit daily: (It’s a long list, but I’ll put 4 here)

  1. The Consumerist
  2. BoingBoing
  3. Pharyngula
  4. Dooce

G) Four of my favorite foods:

  1. Sushi
  2. Really rare good steak
  3. Tuna Hot Dish (Hey, I’m in Minnesota)
  4. BBQ (ribs, pulled pork, brisket…)

H) Four places I would rather be right now:

  1. Riding my motorcycle through Bear Tooth Pass
  2. Riding my motorcycle anywhere else
  3. Glacier Nat’l Park
  4. Working in my basement wood shop

I) Four places I think I’d like to live:

  1. Whitefish, MT
  2. Seattle, WA
  3. Northfield, MN
  4. Polebridge, MT

Who is Bush Spying On, Really?

Over on Atheist Ethicist is a nice piece about who President Bush is really spying on, and why he wants unlimited power to spy on anyone, without a warrant.

I would like to request that each reader ask a question of all who they think may listen.

Who is President Bush really spying on?

If they answer that he is spying on suspected terrorists, then I would recommend the following response:

But that doesn’t make any sense. If he is spying on suspected terrorists, why is he afraid to go before the courts? The courts are not going to stop him from spying on suspected terrorists. The courts are only going to stop him from spying on people who are not suspected terrorists. So, doesn’t it make more sense to think that he is spying on people who are not suspected terrorists? Which makes me ask, who is President Bush really spying on?.

If they insist that Bush is only spying on suspected terrorists, ask:

How do you know this? If he was submitting his information to a court, we could at least have some assurance that he is, in fact, focusing on terrorists. However, all we have to go on right now is his word — and how many times has he lied to us? We still have the question; if he is really after suspected terrorists, then why not use the courts? The courts will not stop him from spying on suspected terrorists.

Go read the rest
. Then write your congresscritter and tell them to knock off the bullshit.

Playing the Nazi Card

In Usenet discussions Godwin’s law states “if you mention Hitler or Nazis in a post, you’ve automatically ended whatever discussion you were taking part in”. (Yes, I know, Godwin’s law doesn’t actually say that, but that’s a useful paraphrase. Go read the FAQ.)

The Republicans have now invoked the Nazi’s twice.

First Donald Rumsfeld states that the critics of the war in Iraq are like Nazi appeasers.

And Keith Olbermann blasted him for it.

Now George W. Bush invokes Hitler as a comparison to terrorism and bin Laden. Additionally, Bush tries to link al Qaeda and the US media.

And Keith Olbermann blasts him for it.

I’m beginning to think that the Republicans are thrashing about trying to find the latest bogeyman to put in front of the public.

And I’m starting to love Keith Olbermann for calling them on it!