Two Books – A Review

I don’t know if I’ve ever written a book review before but I’m currently reading two books that are fascinating me and I want to tell people about them.

First off I’m reading Ada Palmer’s Too Like the Lightning and I’m enjoying the hell out of it. Set in a utopian 2454 it’s deep, complex, mostly believable, and fascinating. It gets deeper and deeper with each chapter. Just when you think you know what’s going on, another layer is revealed.

The posited future is reasonable and the author never fully comes out and tells you (not yet anyway) what lead to the “revolution”, but there are plenty of hints which you can use to make a good guess. There are actually many things which are hinted at but not fully explained, and that’s a writing style I really like. Make me imagine it.

The many, many characters are flawed and believable. The writing style changes based on what is happening. I highly recommend it.

It makes me happy that this book is actually the first of three in a series since that means that there will be more adventures to come.

The second book I’m currently reading couldn’t be further from the first one.

Bill Bryson’s One Summer: America 1927 is a history of all the momentous things that happened in the summer of 1927. I’m about half way through and more and more things are going on.

Lindberg (and many others) flew across the ocean. Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig battled for the title of home run king. There was a huge flood in the South. Flag pole sitting became a thing. Calvin Coolidge was busy being a pretty bad president. Prohibition was causing all sorts of mayhem. And much more.

Bill Bryson goes back and shows what led up to each of these events, in his familiar humorous style. I keep having to stop and read sections out loud to Leslie.

It’s a fascinating slice of history.

Also recommended. If you’ve never read any Bill Bryson, this would be a good start. But I don’t think I’ve read anything by him that I haven’t enjoyed.

Computers Are Fun!

So my friend John sez to me, he sez “I just installed XenServer 7.1.0 on my new server and it’s awesome. You should give it a try. It’s easy to install. Only takes about 30 minutes.”

And I think to myself “I have a couple of blades in my Dell C6100 that aren’t doing anything, and I want to do some virtualization, so sure, why not?”

How hard can it be? I download the XenServer 7.1.0 ISO and get started.Continue reading →

Table Saw – Out With The Old, In With The Older

I know it’s supposed to be “in with the new”, but the replacement table saw is older than the one it’s replacing.

I finally got tired of the Craftsman table saw that I had bought shortly after moving in to the house (in 1990) and decided it was time to replace it. So I bought something older. 🙂

I bought an older (40 plus years old I’d guess) Delta/Rockwell right-tilt saw at Tried and True Tools. It’s in pretty good shape, but since it’s a “contractor” style with no legs I had to build a base for it.

This post is long and picture heavy.Continue reading →

BMW Wagen – All Things Are Connected…

Alternate Title

Filling the Coolant = Total Electrical System Freak-Out

It’s cold outside. Really cold. So imagine my annoyance that the heat in my BMW Wagen was not working well. It was barely putting any heat out.

So I Googled for some hints. There were two main possibilities returned:

  1. The cooling system has air in it.
  2. The auxiliary coolant pump is bad. Because of course there is a second, electric water pump.

Since I had drained the cooling system a while ago and apparently did not fill the system in the proper BMW way I was guessing that #1 was the correct answer, but they are both easy to check.

Continue reading →