I am Pure Evil
How evil are you? Mwaa ha ha ha ha
How evil are you? Mwaa ha ha ha ha
Monty Python’s How Not To Be Seen sketch done in Halo.
Here is a web site that has collected the advertising work that Dr. Seuss did before he found fame creating children’s books.
Coop over at Positive Ape Index points us to a nice collection of Glam Rock videos over on YouTube. Although always appreciated by record nerds such as myself, ...
Sure, as soon as I start to play with embedding YouTube videos into my blog entries, YouTube decides to go off line for some maintenance. Loverly. So my blog is...
The Ad*Access Project, funded by the Duke Endowment “Library 2000” Fund, presents images and database information for over 7,000 advertisements prin...
Or want. 🙂 Here is a page that links to all the 80’s music videos on YouTube! OMG. So much cheeze! And just in case you wanted to save these videos, here ...
It’s not often that a blog references Dashiell Hammet, William Powell and Myrna Loy all in the same post! But today Waiter Rant pulls it off with his usua...
1&1 is handing out free .info domains. You can get up to 5 free for a year. I’m not sure why I need .info domains, but just to be silly I registered ...