Welcome Shakers!
Cool. Here’s my 15 minutes. I emailed my “Christian Side Hug” posting to Melissa over at Shakesville and Deeky put a link to it in his post ...
Cool. Here’s my 15 minutes. I emailed my “Christian Side Hug” posting to Melissa over at Shakesville and Deeky put a link to it in his post ...
Srsly? “Gimme That Christian Side Hug” This is so much in this video that is so weird. Christians are so hung up about sex that they can’t eve...
I sent my last missive – Why Do I Care About Other’s Religions – to my email list and got this thoughtful message in response: Tim, You raise ...
I emailed a link to my previous blog posting about the Hello Kitty Jesus tattoo to a mailing list I am on. I got the following question in response. Tim, with a...
From over at PZ’s pad comes this hilarious rap video:
This was in the Star Tribune on Monday and there was also a story on NPR about it yesterday. The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life has released a survey ...
Preach it Brother Henry! (h/t to PZ)
From the Atheist Revolution blog comes an entry about how to communicate what is wrong with religion. It contains a link to a post on the An Apostate’s Chapel b...
Preach it Brother Condell! Ramen! (and a h/t to PZ for the video.)
PZ Myers gave a talk to the Freethinkers group at St. Olaf the other day. I wish I had been there. He has the transcript up and I think you should read it. I am...