It’s spreading…
My old High School friends, John and Charles Robinson have now installed Serendipity (with a little help from moi) and have a blog. They are getting a free trip...
My old High School friends, John and Charles Robinson have now installed Serendipity (with a little help from moi) and have a blog. They are getting a free trip...
We went to visit Liz’s Dad in Tucson over spring break a couple of weeks ago. We had a lovely visit. I took some digital photos while we were there. I als...
I just upgraded the Blog to version 0.8. Supposedly has some security features and has completely redesigned the admin interface. So far it looks cool. Here are...
The Death of Dynamic Range: A Chronology of the Compact Disc Loudness Wars is an interesting article about how CDs are being mastered at higher and higher level...
This woman calls 911 because she can’t get the burger she wants at BK. Hilarious. Here is the transcript:
I ‘unstored’ the 305 last night and cleaned the carbs out. There was a nice ring of varnish on the needles right where they sit in the jets at idle....
Just a few fun links: When you are desiging a web site (or other page layout) but don’t have the text to fill it in, quite often you use fake latin (known...
We went to Tucson AZ to visit with Liz’s Dad last week. We had a great time and went lots of places. I also have a whole bunch of digital photos that I...
David Byrne (Talking Heads, etc.) has started an internet radio station where he streams the music he likes to listen to. I’ll bet it’s going to be ...
So I’m in Chicago (actually Oakbrook) for a class this week. My hotel is really close to Oakbrook Center. Oakbrook Center is a really tony shopping mall. ...