Time to dust this thing off again. Anybody still listening? Anyway…
The Moto-Guzzi V11EV sidecar tug has been leaking oil for a while now. So I decided it’s time to address the issue.
I got the okay from the CFO to buy the motorcycle lift I wanted (a Kendon Stand-Up lift that is compact and stands up on end when not in use.)
Last weekend I had a friend come over and help me detach the sidecar from the bike. That wasn’t too difficult, but it was definitely a two-person job.

I spent some time tearing into the Guzzi yesterday afternoon. I didn’t get super far, but I got the fuel tank and the exhaust off. All the chrome trim panels and the saddle bag racks are off. The foot boards came off too since they were sort of in the way.
I have to stop and make a lifting cradle now. The way the engine and transmission are mounted to the frame means that I can’t just lift under the oil pan but rather will have to lift on the frame rails on both sides of the oil pan, and I guess I’ll need to support the engine under the oil pan too when I pull the transmission off. So I have to make a U bracket for the new scissors jack I bought. I think 2x4s will do it.
I’ve been inspecting the motor and transmission as I go and this thing is leaking all over. If there is a gasket, it’s leaking. It also appears that the left cylinder base gasket has been leaking for a while now. The right one looks okay. But that means I need to pull the head and jug on the left side, and since I’m going to be in there I might as well do the right side too and make a party out of it. Rings too since I’m there.
The whole left side and bottom of the bike is dripping with oil including the rear brake caliper and the inside of the fender. I really should have cleaned this thing off before I started tearing it apart. Oh well.
I’m hoping the leaking from the bell housing is the crankcase breather valve gasket, which the internet says is common, and not the rear main seal. The lower two bolts on the bearing retainer also go through to the wet side and tend to leak also. Both of these will require removing the flywheel, so yay. At least I’ll be able to inspect the clutch while I’m there.
I’ve determined that the Italians try to be clever like the Germans, and they also have tiny hands like the Japanese. There are inaccessible hose clamps scattered about, and the frame is used as part of the oil breather system. Yes, there are tubes attached to the frame in about seven places.
I’ve made a preliminary parts list, but I want to get the transmission and flywheel off and see what’s happening underneath it before I place the order, just in case it is the rear main seal.
Tomorrow I should be able to make the lifting cradle and might even get all the way to removing the flywheel. Lots of parts have to come off still.
A very worthy project that is sure to keep you off the streets! I look forward to progress reports.