RS Resurrection – Muffler Repack

It struck me the other day that I have had this Luftmeister two into one exhaust on the bike for more than 15 years and have never repacked the muffler.

I decided I’d better open it up and take a look.

The first step was to drill out the pop rivet and pull the baffle out. I grabbed a punch and drove the expander pin through the rivet and into the muffler, then I chucked up a 3/16″ drill bit and drilled the head off.

A whack or two with a larger punch and the rivet body fell into the muffler.

I ended up taking a large screw driver blade and prying the end cap off, probably not the best plan, but the finish is kind of ratty already and I didn’t damage it much more.


I pulled out the baffle and was surprised to see there was still some packing in there. Not much, but some anyway.


Now that I had some idea what I needed for packing, I had to go find some on the internet. Surprisingly, Amazon had some. I ordered two packages and ended up using almost all of it.


I had to run to the hardware store for some 18 gauge wire to tie up the fiberglass. Someone (my daughter) borrowed my spool and didn’t return it.

That fiberglass is nasty stuff to work with. It’s really friable and gets really small fibers everywhere. But I managed to get the baffle wrapped pretty well.



Next I had to get the baffle back into the pipe. It was a tighter fit with the new packing on it, but I persuaded it with a wood block and a mallet.

A new stainless steel pop rivet (also ordered on Amazon) and it’s all good to bolt back on.


I should probably wash the muffler while it’s off the bike and I’m waiting for some more parts…

Should be all good to ride soon though!