I bought a CrashPlan (a local company) subscription a little while ago and managed to back up my data by mounting my old FreeNAS shares on my Windows 2003 server, but that is not supported by CrashPlan and it didn’t always work.
So I wasn’t happy with it.
Now that I have this new iomega NAS, I could not get CrashPlan to see the mounted drives on my Windows server.
So off to teh Googles.
CrashPlan does have a Linux version of their software, and the iomega NAS runs a Linux variant.
root@dot:/# uname -a
Linux dot.anansi-web.com #1 Thu Sep 8 12:14:38 EDT 2011 armv5tel GNU/Linuxroot@dot:# cat /etc/debian_version
I found this great tutorial about how to setup CrashPlan on my NAS.
Not only was it a great tutorial, but it worked! (Not always the case.)
So my iomega NAS is now backing itself up directly to CrashPlan! Sweetness! It’s still not really supported by CrashPlan, but at least this unsupported solution works.