
Wow, it’s been a while since I updated this blog. I’ve been pretty busy. The thing that is taking most of my time is that I a mentor for the the Southwest High School FIRST Robotics Team!

FIRST (Foundation for the Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) is a foundation started in 1989 by Dean Kamen (inventor of the Segway among other things) to get kids interested in Science.

They have a Robotics Challenge every year and it’s a really cool thing.

Stephanie is a member of the build team and we have been meeting three to four times a week for the past three weeks. The competition build schedule is pretty aggressive – you learn what the contest is and get your box of parts, then you have six (6) weeks to build your robot!

We are in week three and I think we are fully on track to get it done in time.

I have put up a photo gallery of build photos.