A Cat Story

Everyone knows that cats love yarn, right?

Well last night my cats decided to prove it.

Last night Liz was knitting a pair of socks and the cats were very interested in what she was doing. The yarn was hanging down to the floor and Terra decided that she needed to eat it. She chewed almost all the way through it before Liz stopped her, so Liz had to undo her knitting and start over.

When we went to bed Liz left her knitting on the dining room table.

I woke up about 12:45 to go to the bathroom and I found a ball of yarn in the upstairs hallway with the end running down the stairs. So I picked it up and went downstairs to put it away.

When I got downstairs I discovered two very guilty looking cats had managed to unwind another ball of yarn all over the living room.

The yarn was wound around chair legs, under tables, and all around the room. It was hilarious. It looked like something from a cartoon.

It took me about 5 minutes to untangle and wind up the yarn and all the while the cats were giving me dirty looks.

Then I put the knitting away where they couldn’t get it. I’m such a meanie.