I will dance in the fucking street…

If it actually comes to pass that Alberto Gonzales gets canned.

I don’t think it will happen, but it sure if good to see them finally catching some heat for all the bull shitting around they have been doing with the constitution.

Let me paste some quotes in here that make me feel good:

WASHINGTON (AP) — Slapped even by GOP allies, the Bush administration is beating an abrupt retreat on eight federal prosecutors it fired and then publicly pilloried.

Just hours after Attorney General Alberto Gonzales dismissed the hubbub as an “overblown personnel matter,” a Republican senator Thursday mused that Gonzales might soon suffer the same fate as the canned U.S. attorneys.

Oh man, I so hope…

Gone were the department’s biting assertions that the prosecutors were a bunch of “disgruntled employees grandstanding before Congress.”

And the department no longer tried to shrug off the uproar as “an overblown personnel matter,” as Gonzales had written in an opinion piece published Thursday in USA Today.

Agency officials also ceased describing majority Democrats as lawmakers who would “would rather play politics” than deal with facts.

Oh yeah, time to start back peddling…