Reading to the kid

I started reading some Larry Niven short stories to Steph last night. The first story was “Bordered in Black” and we got about a third of the way into it. As I was reading it to her I remembered the ending. It will be fun to watch her reaction.

The story is about the first hyperspace ship and there is a bit in it about what you see out the window of the ship in hyperspace.

The answer is “nothing” and it totally freaks out the astronauts.

She couldn’t understand why that would be so weird, so we had a nice discussion about what it would be like to look out her bedroom window and see “nothing”. It took a few tries to explain what “nothing” would be like and when she got it, she got a little weirded out. :-O

It was pretty funny, you really have to pay attention when you are reading Niven and she made me backtrack a few times.

Larry Niven is one of my favorite authors and I love hard science fiction. Larry Niven’s Known Space universe is one I’d like to live in.