I’m in San Francisco Again!

This is the kind of stuff that I love about San Francisco – Here is a street that is tunneled under another street. Also take note of the entrance ramp to the parking garage on the right. This is the intersection of Sutter St. and Stockton St. looking North up Stockton. Awesome.

I’m in San Francisco again for the 2007 RSA Security Conference.

I was last in San Francisco in 2005 for the LinuxWorld Conference. (See links.)

I got in yesterday. I flew into SFO and took the BART into downtown. I’m staying at the Grand Hyatt hotel just off Union Square – not far from where I stayed two years ago.

Man I love walking around in this part of San Francisco.

I’ll try and take bunches of pictures again, there is so much neat and funky architecture here.

BTW, Google Maps is the best. I made my hotel my saved location and then searched for ‘liquor store’. There was a great one only two blocks from the hotel! I wound up buying a bottle of Tobermory Single Malt Scotch (mainly because it was one of the cheapest) but it’s pretty damned good.

Then I searched for ‘sushi’ and found this little hole in the wall named Akiko’s Sushi Bar – all of four tables – but the sushi was good and not very spendy.

I’m not sure what I’m going to eat tonight – it’s SuperBowl Sunday, and I’m not sure I want to go to a bar. There was a good looking Asian place down the street. I might go there.

More later.