Single Issue Voter?

No, more like a Single Issue Non-Voter.

James Trumm raises a valid point. You should never vote for a candidate that is a creationist. Ever.

Why should being a creationist disqualify someone from being President? I’ve been thinking about this recently, what with former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee now in the running. Like his compadre Sam Brownback (Christianist – KS), Huckabee believes that students should be exposed to both evolution and creationism in the public school classroom.

On the one hand, this seems to be the silliest issue possible. As Republican Representative Chris Shays (CT) puts it,

while Rome’s burning, we’re eating grapes. I mean, the thought that we would have a debate in the Senate about creationism and scientific evolution, and that we would focus on this issue blows me away.

But the debate is there not because of scientific uncertainty, and not even because of religion. The debate is ultimately about power.


Science in general, and evolution in particular, are grounded in observable reality. Causing people to question that reality–or at least to give unreality equal time–is a first step to the destruction of thought and of resistance to tyranny.

I agree totally. Creationism is not just bad science, it’s trying to overthrow science.

No creationist will ever get my vote. No matter what their position is on any other subject.