DD-WRT is pretty cool

I’m setting up a network for someone and I had them buy a LinkSys WRT54GL, both because I have one and like it, and because I knew you could put DD-WRT on it.

What is DD-WRT?

When I took the stock WRT56GL up there and tried to make it do what I wanted, I was dissapointed. I wanted it to extend thier wired network and forward DHCP requests to their Microsoft Small Business Server. And maybe I’m dumb, but I couldn’t make it go.

Well, I just flashed the router with DD-WRT and man am I impressed! Talk about feature-rich! And right on the front configuration page is the option for DHCP forwarding. I think this is going to work out just great!

And a hat tip to Nate for turning me on to DD-WRT a while ago. I may just have to flash my WRT54GL because DD-WRT is so cool.