Santa Claus vs. God

As I was laying in my nice warm bed this morning not wanting to get up, I started thinking about the lack of proof of God’s existence.

Then it struck me that I have more proof that Santa Claus exists.

  • You see Santa Claus at shopping malls all over the country. Have you ever seen God in the shopping mall?
  • You get presents from Santa Claus at Christmas time (at least if you have been good.) Have you ever gotten a present from God? (I know, I know, the pro-lifers say that every child is a gift from God. But that’s not true, children are the result of a known, repeatable, biological process.)
  • You can write letters to Santa Claus and ask for specific gifts. And sometimes you get them! When you pray to God for things, do you get them?
  • Heck, there was a photograph in the newspaper the other day of a whole bunch of Santa Clauses. Have you ever seen a photograph of God in the newspaper? For that matter, have you ever seen a photograph of God, ever?

This all stemmed from a conversation with my wife last night. She was trying to make the point that not believing in God was a belief system in itself. That it was believing that God doesn’t exist.

I was trying to explain that refusing to believe in something for which there was no proof was different than insisting that something doesn’t exist.

I don’t insist that there is no God, I just refuse to believe that He exists without any proof.

Santa Claus on the other hand…

Maybe Santa is God?