God damned motorcycles

On Tuesday I rode the K bike to work. When I got home and opened the garage door I noticed a 6 inch puddle of oil on the floor where the K bike had been parked. (Why didn’t I see it when I left in the morning? Too sleepy I guess.)


I looked at the bottom of the bike and sure enough there is oil leaking from somewhere. I haven’t pulled the cowling off yet, so I don’t know where the leak is, but it’s definitely leaking. Bah. I sure hope the rear main seal hasn’t decided to leak again. That’s a surperb pain in the ass to fix.

Yesterday I took a bunch of sheetrock scraps to the dump in the van. This meant that I could then put the seats back into the van. One of the seats had been leaning against the hack.

Now that the hack is unearthed, I can start riding it again. So last night I gave it a pre-flight check. The front tire was low. Really low. Almost flat.

Damn it!

I filled it up, hoping that it was just a slow leak. It had been parked for a couple of weeks after all.

This morning I got all suited up and went out to the garage. I checked the front tire on the hack: 26 PSI! Double-damn! From 38 PSI to 26 PSI overnight is not a slow leak.

I went back into the house and took off the riding gear.

Then I drove the damned van to work.