Reading to Stephanie

I happened to see a copy of Robert A. Heinlein’s Podkayne of Mars at the library the other day, so I picked it up for Stephanie to read.

Podkayne of Mars
is the last book that Heinlein wrote in his collection of books for juvenile readers, so I figured that Stephanie would like it.

She wanted me to read it to her, so we’ve both been enjoying it quite a bit. It’s fun to read it to her and then have her ask questions about it. There are lots of science concepts introduced in his books that she is unfamiliar with and so far I have been able to explain all of them.

We are getting near the end, so I just requested Rocket Ship Galileo from the library.

I’m going to see if we can make it though all 13 of the books and then we will start on his more adult harder stuff (which I own a lot of.) Maybe we will mix in some Larry Niven and some Jerry Pournelle (man, what an ugly web site – and I can’t seem to find a bibliography on it) and maybe some Stephen Brust and Fritz Lieber (I know, that’s not Science Fiction, but I like Fantasy too). Actually, what would be really fun would be to read Terry Pratchett’s Discworld books to her.

It’s fun to see Stephanie getting into Science Fiction.