Who is Bush Spying On, Really?

Over on Atheist Ethicist is a nice piece about who President Bush is really spying on, and why he wants unlimited power to spy on anyone, without a warrant.

I would like to request that each reader ask a question of all who they think may listen.

Who is President Bush really spying on?

If they answer that he is spying on suspected terrorists, then I would recommend the following response:

But that doesn’t make any sense. If he is spying on suspected terrorists, why is he afraid to go before the courts? The courts are not going to stop him from spying on suspected terrorists. The courts are only going to stop him from spying on people who are not suspected terrorists. So, doesn’t it make more sense to think that he is spying on people who are not suspected terrorists? Which makes me ask, who is President Bush really spying on?.

If they insist that Bush is only spying on suspected terrorists, ask:

How do you know this? If he was submitting his information to a court, we could at least have some assurance that he is, in fact, focusing on terrorists. However, all we have to go on right now is his word — and how many times has he lied to us? We still have the question; if he is really after suspected terrorists, then why not use the courts? The courts will not stop him from spying on suspected terrorists.

Go read the rest
. Then write your congresscritter and tell them to knock off the bullshit.