The Hack is Alive Again

My sidecar rig konked out on me during my Minnesota 1000 ride this year. It was acting like it had a bad coil and only running on 2 or 3 cylinders.

I parked it after the Minnesota 1000 and went on vacation for four weeks (to be talked about in a later entry.)

I went out to the garage this evening to see what the deal was. I figured I’d try and start the hack up to see if it was still misbehaving.

Of course the damned thing started right up and ran just fine. Stupid perverse inanimate object.

I’m guessing that there is a crack in one of the coil housings and that it really doesn’t like to get soaking wet. It got pretty drenched on the Minnesota 1000.

So I’m going to dip the coils in some of that dip plastic that you coat tool handles with and then just ride the damned thing.

So there.