Dumb Law Proposal

Some idiot police officer wants to make it illegal for people to be in an alley if it’s not the alley for the block they live on.

“I see so much crime occurring in the alleys. It’s a quick getaway,” said Minneapolis police officer Mike Killebrew.

“If you don’t live there on that block there’s no reason to be in the alley,” said Killebrew, who proposed the ordinance to the city attorney.

If he sees crime occuring in the alley, he should arrest the people.

Creating a law making it illegal to be in an alley will not stop the criminals and will create another excuse for the police to hassle people by asking them for ID to determine if they have a right to be there.

It sounds to me like they need to enforce the laws that are already on the books.

People talk about criminals ‘escaping into the alleys’. What does that mean? Alleys are not something you just walk into and dissapear. If a criminal walks or drives into an alley, why can’t the police follow them? How is that different than the criminal driving down a street and turning a corner?

Welcome to the police state of Minnesota.