onsale update

Well, I got a response back from onsale last night:

Dear customer!

I am asking for an apology regarding on what happen and what you
experienced with us. I understand that it is really disappointing.
Nevertheless, I would really feel the same way if I was on you shoes.

I suppose that there was just a miscommunication between you and Onsale
and we are really sorry for that.

Apart from it, hope you also understand that there are really things
that are inevitable and are out of our control. Like for example, emails
sent that are not that reliable sometimes because of system error.
However, our email department is trying their best as well to do their
job and help out our customers to the best that we can.

Sir, I hope you would still consider our company, Onsale in your next
purchase. Should you have any orders in the future, I, personally be
very glad to handle your account and assist you through your order. By
then, I will do my best to be of better service to you!

Please don’t hesitate to call me on my extension XXXX.

Thank you and have a great day!

About what I expected.