Computer shopping!

Well, I spent a lot of money last night and this morning.

On Monday, SlickDeals posted this deal.

You could get a Compaq computer with a monitor and three(!) printers for $300 after rebates. That’s a pretty good deal. The only bad part was that there is only 256MB of RAM in the computer – but that’s pretty easy to fix.

I looked at it and then asked Leslie if we could buy it. We seriously need to upgrade the computers in the house. We are running on a bunch of old, tired, hand-me-downs.

She agreed that we could buy it, and agreed that I could buy the CPU and RAM needed to finish building my PC that I started about a year ago. (Long story there…)

I was supposed to buy the Compaq on Wednesday (payday) and then wait until next payday to buy the CPU and RAM.

Yesterday I looked up the Compaq deal and they said it was unavailable in my area. Out of stock. Damn, missed it. So I jumped the gun and ordered the CPU (2.4GHz P4) and RAM (1GB 3200 DDR) instead.

Today, I looked at the Compaq deal and it was available again! Oh no, now what to do?

So I was naughty and ordered it. :-O

So… The only thing left is to tell Leslie… Better buy her some more chocolate. 🙂

Oh, and I’ll need to get more RAM for that Compaq.