iTunes Server for Linux

Nate at work turned me on to MT-Daap – a Daap server for Linux.

Daap is the protocol that iTunes uses for sharing your libraries.

MT-Daap runs as a daemon on your linux box and shares out your files (mp3, mp4, aac, etc…) as an iTunes library share.

One of the cool features that MT-Daap has is that you can setup smart playlists in a config file and they will work just like the iTunes ones.


I am installing the nightly build now – has a bunch of changes and new features, so we’ll see how that works out.

Wow. That’s way cooler than the stable build! The web interface is much better – you can actually build smart playlists with it! And there is a Java applet that plays your mp3s in your browser!

It’s so cool I’m laughing!