MegaRAID Update

So, just because I didn’t have anything else to do this morning I did the following to my Openfiler box:

  • Replaced the power supply (an old ‘Sparkle’ power suppy that I’m not sure the fan even worked on) with an old (but should be better than the ‘Sparkle’) PC Power & Cooling supply. Still only 235 Watts, but should be a much higher quality supply.
  • Added a huge fan to the front of the case to pull air over the hard drives. The drives had been running a little warm, not hot, but warm none-the-less, so I figure more cooling can’t hurt. I have a pair of 5 inch fans from an old Sun box, so I mounted one on the front of the case. I had to take the door off, but who cares? It’s not too loud, but there is definitely more air moving.
  • Started testing all the hard drives with DLGDiags downloaded from Western Digital. So far the first drive that I swapped in has passed and one of the existing drives has passed. It takes about 45 minutes per drive to do the full test. I’m guessing that all the drives will pass, including the one that was originally failed out. If that’s the case, what else should I test them with? Full write tests? Does Spinrite still exist? (Apparently yes.)
  • Verified that all the fans are working – PS fan, CPU fans, case fans. They all run.

So. What else to do?

I’m going to test all the drives with DLGDiags. If even the failed drive passes, then I’ll have to try and test them with something better.

Then I’ll rebuild the filer from scratch. Wheee.