I Love The Register’s Take on the US

The Register has a story about the Walmart employee who was recently fired for answering an email about the fact that Walmart changed their greeting from “Merry Christmas” to “Happy Holidays”.

It would appear the employee was a little too overzealous in her explaination.

We may be two peoples separated by a common language, as Shaw once suggested, but the US propensity to find teeth-grindingly literal explanations for the world around us never ceases to cause the British mirth.

The caricature of a fearful United States where every I must be dotted, and every T must be crossed, where coffee cups warn the the user of hot liquids inside, and where blogs are tattooed with incomprehensible license terms, isn’t just the stuff of myth, however. This nit-picking has become the foundation of the nation, one that pitches the established class of nit-pickers (the lawyers) against a new breed of nit-pickers (the technocrats).

Read the rest here.