DRM on the new DVD Formats

Thinking about buying the new Blu-Ray or HD-DVD player when they come out? Expecting your new HD movies to play on your existing TV or monitor?

Think again.

The movie industry is doing it to us again.

Ed Foster has a nice Gripe Line column about it.

He references this PC World story.

This DRM stuff is getting way out of hand. I’d like to thank all the mindless congress-critters that are letting the Movie and Recording industries stuff this bullshit down our throats.

Go to the Electronic Frontier Foundation site to learn more about this and other encroachments on your rights and what you can do about them.

The number one thing you can do is write your congress-critter and tell them what you think. The EFF has an Action Center page where you can fill out forms to email Congress and tell them what you think.

The second thing you can do is join the EFF.