Well, we are back

In case you didn’t notice, my server was off the air all day today.

We had a major storm last night where we got more than four inches of rain in about an hour. Apparently the power flickers and brown outs were too much for the power supply in my firewall and it took a digger.

I didn’t realize this had happened until I got to work this morning, so the site was down all day until I could get home and fix it. Luckily I have a supply of power supplies around, so it took all of five minutes to fix.

I also decided that enough is enough and went out and bought an APC Back-up Pro 1100 UPS to run all my gear off of. It also has a surge suppressor for the phone line, so hopefully I won’t lose another DSL router to lightning again.

I took all the stuff down and rearranged a bit and now it looks all nice and neat in the “server room”. I’ll have to take a picture and put it up.